UK Housing Associations urged to recognise the benefits of Waste water heat recovery

As the UK continues to deal with housing shortages, fuel poverty and the unenviable task of ensuring old housing stock is brought up to  “decent homes” standard,  one UK company who specialises in energy–efficient technology claims that Housing Associations in the UK are missing out on the opportunity to make new and existing homes more energy efficient.

Showersave Waste water heat recovery is recognised by BRE in SAP and is one of the most cost effective means of achieving Part L Building Regulations compliance in the UK. Although recognised by Government standards, many housing associations continue to overlook the long term benefits of this wonderfully simple system.

Waste water heat recovery (WWHR) is a simple, proven, yet highly effective technology, which extracts heat from waste water used during showering and reuses this heat to reduce overall energy use for the homeowner.

Showersave Director, Tony Gordon explains that “Showersave can be installed as part of a bathroom refurbishment or new build. We have worked with some of the UK’s leading sustainability consultants, regeneration specialists and private developers who are thrilled with the benefits of our system. However, we struggle to get the message across to Housing Associations, whose tenants could enjoy incredible financial benefits from what is effectively a very clever copper pipe. You can see for yourself from our installation video how straightforward it is.  Moreover, Showersave is simple, requires no maintenance and will last the life of the property, why wouldn’t you install when refurbishing bathrooms and/or heating systems?.”

Following a recent rebrand, Showersave is determined to remove any misconceptions that WWHR is a complicated product. The company rebrand reflects Showersave’s sustainable development and vision for the future. It delivers to the market a fresh, uncomplicated message that this system is for anyone.


An award winning energy saving technology, ideal for the London housing market is due to be unveiled at London Build 2016. The team behind this innovative and truly exceptional product is made up of Swiss engineers, designers, sanitary- and energy specialists who are excited to introduce the technology to the London housing market , which makes every social media campaign a real heaven! The “Joulia inline” heat recovering shower tray is certain to tick all the boxes with experienced Developers, ambitious architects and contractors, given the flexible, invisible solution which has been launched to coincide with the introduction of London’s new Zero carbon rules for housing projects in the Capital. Tapping into the UK market has not been easy says Joulia CEO Reto Schmid “We have a truly exceptional product and now is the perfect time to introduce it to London Housing Developers, who specialise in apartments. With the introduction of new Zero carbon rules for London, we are confident that Joulia inline is a solution that forward thinking developers will embrace in a bid to avoid off-set payment for non-compliance with the new rules”. Assisting this dynamic and innovative company in realising the potential of the UK housing market is leading waste water heat recovery business “Showersave”, who have worked with many of the UK’s leading housing developers, sustainability consultants and architects for almost ten years. Tony Gordon, Director at Showersave says “This is an exciting opportunity both for Joulia and Showersave, one which we are very confident will bring about growth in the industry. Showersave has played a pivotal role in raising the profile of waste water heat recovery in the UK construction sector. We have successfully acquired, as clients, some of the leading names in house building and sustainability. Now, we have the challenge of replicating this success with a technology that is utterly brilliant in concept and design. The Joulia inline heat recovering shower tray is available to view at Olympia London on 26th and 27th October at stand C25 of the central hall. Joulia Inline

Meeting London's new Zero carbon requirements


Build Energy offers expert advice on how house builders in London can avoid offset payments

‘London’s major housing must be Zero Carbon from October, presenting a new challenge for many of the house builders we work with. Developers relying on solar panels alone may find that there is simply not enough roof space to meet demand. We would recommend that developers look at Waste Water Heat Recovery as part of a package of measures to complement renewables when constructing inside the capital. This could save thousands of pounds per plot in offset payments when included in a well written Energy Statement’. Sean Mills, Build Energy


Meeting London's Zero Carbon commitment

A recent article from Beverley Rosso, Senior Sustainability Consultant at Stroma tech takes a detailed look at changes due to come into effect on 1st October 2016, when all major new-build residential developments in London will need to be ‘zero carbon'. The article focuses on balancing value and cost and provides an insight into what the changes will mean for specification.


Showersave Waste water heat recovery system offers a wonderfully simple route to cost effective energy saving and Part L Building Regulation compliance. Contact us to discuss current and future projects or to arrange a Group CPD.





Exciting potential in shower heat recovery sector inspires market leader to rebrand

Following dynamic growth, leading waste water heat recovery distributor Showersave, has unveiled a new brand identity and logo

Established in 2009, Showersave was the first company to bring shower waste water heat recovery technology to the UK market. Showersave has worked tirelessly to raise the profile of WWHR technology through the lobbying of Government Agencies and targeting some of the country’s leading house builders and energy consultants.

Despite regulatory and industry challenges, the company has successfully acquired an impressive portfolio of clients including leading UK house builders, housing associations, architects, sustainability consultants and self-builders.

Showersave is a simple, proven, yet highly effective technology, which extracts heat from waste water used during showering and reuses this heat to reduce overall energy use for the homeowner. Showersave sits passively within the fabric of the building delivering energy efficiency for the life time of the hot water system and beyond, and then should the property be demolished is fully and simply recycled.

We want to deliver innovation that’s simple.  That sums up precisely what we are about. We are passionate about developing practical, sustainable energy saving solutions that are accessible to everyone, and deliver real carbon and energy savings to all our customers.

The rebrand reflects Showersave’s sustainable development and vision for the future. It delivers to the market a fresh, uncomplicated message that this system is for anyone.  Importantly Showersave is not just for new builds, but is simple enough to be installed for those updating and improving their bathrooms and showers.

“This small, simple system can have a massive impact on the UK’s residential CO2 emissions if we can get adoption across the board – this is what excites us.” 

“When we brought Showersave to market in 2009, we were the first to do so.  We were creating a new market. Given the simplicity, affordability and ease of installation of Showersave; coupled with more stringent building regulations, many of our clients were looking for a solution which would reduce Co2 emissions and allow them to maximize on plot return. Showersave was the ideal solution to allow the stringent Building Regulations to be met.” - Tony Gordon Managing Director of Showersave

Our market research has brought us to where we are today, a clean, fresh and simple approach to a technology that is “Wonderfully Simple”.